The Role of Fertilizer

June 27, 2024

土壤是由岩石、矿物质和有机物组成的天然体. Sand, silt, clay, and organic matter help provide tilth, necessary aeration and water holding capacity, 但很少保持足够均衡的营养(植物食物)来维持植物的持续生长和提高产量. 因此,需要添加肥料来保持其肥力.


I.   Primary Plant Food Elements

Nitrogen | Phosphorus | Potassium (Potash) 植物最大限度地利用这些养分,而未施肥的土壤通常无法提供最佳植物生长和产量所需的养分.

Nitrogen (N) 1. 促进快速营养生长(叶和茎),加速应激后的恢复. 2. 在叶绿素的形成和功能中至关重要的元素, 赋予深绿色植物色的关键成分. 3. Synthesizes amino acids which form protein. 4. Regulates the uptake of other nutrients. 5. 重要化合物的基本成分——核酸和酶.

Phosphorus (P) 1. 刺激早期根系形成和生长——使植物有一个良好的开端,形成更大的根系生物量,使土壤区域更好地收集其他营养物质. Hastens maturity (conversion of starch to sugar). 3. Stimulates blooming and seed development. 4. 在糖转化为激素的能量转化和转化过程中必需的, protein and energy to grow new leaves and fruit. 5. Forms nucleic acids (DNA and RNA). 6. Vital for photosynthesis (greening for plants).

Potassium (K) 1. Aids in the development of stems and leaves. 2. Increases disease resistance and hardiness. 3. Strengthens cell wall. 4. Water intake by plant cells can be affected; plants with inadequate potassium may wilt with more than enough moisture. 5. Acts as a catalyst in Iron uptake. 6. Essential to the formation and translocation of protein, starches, sugar, and oil–improving the size and quality of fruit, grains and tubers.


II.   Secondary Plant Food Elements

Calcium | Magnesium | Sulfur 它们的用量比主要元素少, but in much larger quantities than micronutrients.

Calcium (Ca) 1. 钙是细胞壁结构的重要组成部分,必须存在于新细胞的形成中. 2. 缺钙会导致茎变弱和花蕾过早脱落.

Magnesium (Mg) 1. Essential for photosynthesis (greening of plant). 2. 植物生长过程中许多酶的激活剂.

Sulfur (S) 1. 三种氨基酸的组成成分,因此在蛋白质的形成中是必不可少的. 2. Helps maintain green color in plants. 3. Improves alkaline soils. 4. 帮助压实土壤,使它们松散,使水更好地渗透. Sulfur Note –There are commonly two types of sulfur applied to plants and soils: Sulfate Sulfur ≠ (SO4); Elemental Sulfur (S).

Fertilizer pellets spilling from a bottle

III.   Micronutrients

Iron | Zinc | Manganese 尽管植物对微量元素的利用较少, 它们就像初级和次级营养物质一样对植物生长至关重要. 它们必须保持平衡,以便有效地利用所有营养和水分.

Iron (Fe) 铁是植物细胞中叶绿素形成所必需的(保持健康的绿色). 它是生物过程的催化剂,如呼吸作用, symbiotic fixation of nitrogen and photosynthesis. 施用铁可以纠正缺铁,但在高pH土壤中可能是暂时的.

Zinc (Zn) Zinc is an essential component of several plant enzymes. 它是生长素的一部分,控制吲哚乙酸的合成,调节生长化合物. 锌还影响植物对水分的吸收和有效利用.

Manganese (Mn) Manganese serves as an activator for enzymes in plants. 没有锰,植物就不能利用它们吸收的铁. 它帮助叶绿素形成中的铁元素,使淡黄色的植物变绿.

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